Friday, December 4, 2009

Bolu Ketan Hitam

Akhir-akhir ini lagi suka lagi bikin kue ketan hitam dan ternyata penggemarnya semakin bertambah terutama anak-anak. Jadi menambah motivasi buat belajar terus baking deh... :-) resepnya aku dapet dari my dear mother, dulu ibu sering bikin kue bolu yang dari tepung terigu biasa tapi karena aku kurang suka terus ibu mulai bikin kue dari tepung ketan hitam, nah ternyata kalau yang ini aku paling suka, jadi kalau pulang ke Bandung selalu minta dibuatin kue ini. This cake is the first cake I made when I decided to learn how to bake and I called my mom to get the recipe and here I want to share it with anybody who might like it and wondering to try to bake it as well. Kue ini gampang banget bikinnya jadi ngga usah takut gagal kalau mau nyoba! ;-)

  1. 6 Telur
  2. 250 gr Gula Putih
  3. 1 sdt VX
  4. 1 sdt TBM
  5. 25 gr Susu bubuk
  6. 250 gr Tepung Ketan Hitam
  7. 250 gr Minyak goreng
  1. Kocok telur dan gula putih sampai mengembang dan masukan VX dan TBM
  2. Setelah adonan mengembang masukkan susu bubuk dan tepung ketan hitam sambil dikocok dengan mixer kecepatan rendah
  3. Matikan mixer and masukan minyak goreng perlahan sambil terus diaduk sampai rata
  4. Siapkan loyang yang sudah dilumuri minyak goreng dan tuang adonan kedalam loyang
  5. Panggang dalam oven kira-kira 30menit atau sampai kue matang (tes dengan tusuk gigi atau lidi, jika adonan sudah tidak menempel artinya kue sudah matang).

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Best Ever Muffins

So agree with the title here, it's the best muffins recipe I've ever found! Simple ingridient and yet easy process and since this one is just a basic batter we can improvise with literally anything to give more taste to the muffins. so far I've made raisin muffins, palm-fruit muffins and choco & raisin muffins, it turns out very well with anything. This one is really worth a keeper! ;-)

And here are what you need and how to make the muffins:

2 cups all-purpose flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup white sugar
1 egg
1 cup milk
1/4 cup vegetable oil

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (205 degrees C).
2. Stir together the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar in a large bowl. Make a well in the
center. In a small bowl or 2 cup measuring cup, beat egg with a fork. Stir in milk and oil. Pour
all at once into the well in the flour mixture. Mix quickly and lightly with a fork until
moistened, but do not beat. The batter will be lumpy. Pour the batter into paper lined muffin
pan cups.
3. Variations: Blueberry Muffins: Add 1 cup fresh blueberries. Raisin Muffins: Add 1 cup finely
chopped raisins. Date Muffins: Add 1 cup finely chopped dates. Cheese Muffins: Fold in 1 cup
grated sharp yellow cheese. Bacon Muffins: Fold 1/4 cup crisp cooked bacon, broken into bits.
4. Bake for 25 minutes, or until golden.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Buttermilk, apakah itu??

Waktu nyari-nyari resep sering banget nih ketemu istilah buttermilk sampe saking penasarannya sempet mencoba peruntungan buat nyari di Hypermart tapi gak nemu tuh, atau aku-nya kali yah yang gak liat... rencananya mau nyari lagi malam ini, tapi kalau gak nemu juga udah deh pakai konversi yang aku udah nemu mudah-mudah sih rasanya gak terlalu meleset. Ini dia konversinya:

1 cup buttermilk = 1 cup yogurt polos = 250 ml susu cair + 1 sendok makan cuka atau air lemon (aduk dan biarkan 10-15 menit, larutan akan mengental )= 250 ml susu cair + 1 1/2 sendok teh cream of tartar

Sengaja nih dibuat disini biar kalau lupa gampang lagi nyarinya! :P

Setelah dipikir-pikir yogurt juga kan katanya bisa sebagai pengganti sour cream, lah kalo gitu apa bedanya buttermilk sama sour cream? weleeh... bingung lagi deh! hmmm....

Setelah melakukan penelusuran lebih lanjut mengenai sour cream ternyata substitute-nya sama dengan buttermilk yaitu dengan menggunakan plain yogurt saja, tidak ditambahi vinegar atau pun jeruk lemon.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Brownies Kukus (Steamed Brownies)

Source: click here


Bahan A :
10 btr Telur
350 gr Gula Pasir
25 gr Emulsifier
1 sdt Garam

Bahan B :
225 gr Terigu protein sedang
65 gr Coklat Bubuk
1 sdt Baking Powder

Bahan C:
250 gr Mentega, dicairkan
200 gr Coklat Blok, dicairkan
1 sdm Rum Bakar
1 sdm Coklat Pasta

Bahan D :
200 gr Coklat Meises

1. Kocok bahan A sampai adonan kental.
2. Masukkan bahan C, aduk rata, baru masukkan bahan B.
3. Siapkan loyang persegi 24 cm, tinggi 8 cm. Poles mentega dan lapis kertas.
4. Tuang adonan 1/2 bagian, lalu kukus sampai matang. Tabur coklat meises dan tuang lagi adonan yang 1/2 bagian. Kukus hingga matang

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Steamed Brownies

Last night finally made another cake and this time is steamed brownies. I got the recipe from Kedai Hamburg the result was not bad at least most of the people said so however in my personal opinion it was little bit too spongy, am not sure if it is so or there's something wrong during the process. I managed to take some pictures of it and of course I'd love to post it here but then I haven't got the chance to download the pictures, see if I can do it at the soonest :)

Akhirnya... sempet juga upload fotonya disini. Brownies kukus keju pertama yang aku bikin, hasilnya sih menurutku tidak mengecewakan dan feedback dari orang-orang yang nyicip juga bagus! :) ini aku buat setengah resep aja soalnya dandang gw kecil bow! udah gitu yang bentuknya bulat, pengen sih beli dandang yang bentuknya kotak tapi di Batam ngga tau mesti nyarinya dimana...

Btw, aku upload resep lain dari brownies kukus disini tapi yang ini belum dicoba resepnya hehehe kalo ngeliat reviewnya sih bagus-bagus semua, next time kalo mau bikin lagi coba resep yang ini aja kayanya.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Finally... my very own blog

Finally creating my very own blog, at first I was a bit confused of what to put in as am knowing myself is not a 'very creative' person but at least I made a try outs :)

I'm thinking to post few things about the kitchen stuffs that recently am giving my free times into, or maybe just a story of the days that I've been thru. Though it sounds boring but maybe there's something good came out of it, who knows?

I always adore those who can put everything into words and make it interesting story or make people interested to read, I'm not good in it but let's see how it is. Through time and practice sure I'll find my improvement in it!

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