I don't think this cake has suitable name for it, nyebutnya sih cream cheese but it's actually only use 100gr of cream cheese and in the frosting it's using none of the cream... jadi bingung ngasih nama apa ya..? think this cake really needs a re-name! See if I can get an idea from somewhere or someone ;)
Regardless the name, this cake has soon became favorite of everybody! not to say my sisters and my mom, tapi juga co-workers, my sister's in laws, blah... blah... blah... I baked this cake for countless times alias saking udah kebanyakan bikin I lost the track of how many. Last week I baked 3 cakes, two of them were sent to Bandung (thru two hours flight! haha)
Well anyway to cut the story short ini dia resepnya, siapa tau mau bikin juga! :)

For Cake:
Dengan menggunakan mixer campur mentega, gula putih dan cream cheese sampai lembut, masukan dark cooking chocolate leleh, tambahkan telur satu persatu sambil dikocok rata.
Tambahan terigu, susu bubuk, cokelat bubuk dan baking powder sambil diayak dan diaduk rata.
Tuang adonan kedalam loyang ukuran 22x22x4 yang sudah diolesi margarine dan dilapisi kertas roti. Oven dengan suhu 190 derajat Celsius selama 30 menit sampai kue matang.
Panaskan susu kemudian masukan gula tepung dan cokelat bubuk, aduk rata, setelah itu masukan mentega dan terus aduk hingga kental.
Oles frosting diatas cake. Dinginkan.
Regardless the name, this cake has soon became favorite of everybody! not to say my sisters and my mom, tapi juga co-workers, my sister's in laws, blah... blah... blah... I baked this cake for countless times alias saking udah kebanyakan bikin I lost the track of how many. Last week I baked 3 cakes, two of them were sent to Bandung (thru two hours flight! haha)
Well anyway to cut the story short ini dia resepnya, siapa tau mau bikin juga! :)

For Cake:
- 225 gram Mentega (butter)
- 100 gram Cream Cheese
- 175 gram Gula pasir halus (super fine sugar)
- 100 gram Dark cooking chocolate, melted
- 4 Telur (Eggs)
- 150 gram Tepung Terigu (All purpose flour)
- 20 gram Susu bubuk (powdered milk)
- 10 gram Cokelat bubuk (powdered chocolate)
- 1/2 tsp Baking powder
- 100 ml Susu cair (milk)
- 25 gram Cokelat bubuk (powdered chocolate)
- 50 gram Gula tepung
- 25 gram Mentega (butter)
Dengan menggunakan mixer campur mentega, gula putih dan cream cheese sampai lembut, masukan dark cooking chocolate leleh, tambahkan telur satu persatu sambil dikocok rata.
Tambahan terigu, susu bubuk, cokelat bubuk dan baking powder sambil diayak dan diaduk rata.
Tuang adonan kedalam loyang ukuran 22x22x4 yang sudah diolesi margarine dan dilapisi kertas roti. Oven dengan suhu 190 derajat Celsius selama 30 menit sampai kue matang.
Panaskan susu kemudian masukan gula tepung dan cokelat bubuk, aduk rata, setelah itu masukan mentega dan terus aduk hingga kental.
Oles frosting diatas cake. Dinginkan.
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